Saturday, September 28, 2013

Net Neutrality

I didn’t realize that "Net neutrality" was import to anyone, including me until I read the article in PC magazine (Net Neutrality and Why You Should Care). I suddenly realized just how the big telecom companies are putting the “squeeze” on consumers. They are reacting to the fact that all of their content is now not so exclusive to their service. In fact, they are providing the very service (internet) that allows customers to avoid the use of their cable box and service. Example: my brother does not own a television. In fact, he views all of his “TV” entertainment on his computer and only needs an internet connection. Once you make the connection (no pun intended!) as to why the telecom companies are raising their fees, you can begin to understand just how important the internet is to all of us. The fact that providers have spent so much money on lobbying is certain proof that they take the idea of "Net neutrality" seriously, and so should you. First of all, these providers are rigging the game. They have colluded together to inflate the price of internet access and will be viewed in the future as we now view "Big Oil" companies. When you drive past the service station and cringe at the price of gasoline it is not surprising to think that you will have the same reaction when you look at your wireless or internet bill, now or in the very near future. I have just canceled my Time Warner service as it had topped out at sixty-one dollars a month! That's outrageous (you think that’s bad: my wireless bill is more than a small Toyota!)! Only 3 years ago I was paying $19.99 per month. I don't think it's fair that they can charge that much just because they can. This is part of the issue as we view the “Internet” as free, and if you cannot afford the access, then how can you believe it be considered as “Free?” The fee problem is of course, just one of the ways the telecom companies are “restricting” the internet, but it is the most important one. So, if Net neutrality is not on your mind now, then it will be in the future!

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