Friday, November 1, 2013

The mobile Executive.

The  effective use of mobile devices in business can possibly be best measured from the top down. For the average person, the need is mostly a convenience and not mission critical, but in the intensely busy and hurried existence of business executives, the need to communicate is magnified by the responsibility level.
Old Office Technology
Executives use both smart phones and Laptops, but they use laptops more, but only by a small percentage (%5) difference. Twenty-five percent of all executives use both devices. A large percentage of executives use more than 2 devices. The average is 3.46, while CEOs use 4.21 devices, while CFOs use about the same (4.22) devices each. That sounds like a too many!



Twelve percent of executives use their smart phone most often, but most consider the PC as the most important device at their disposal as it has features not available on a mobile device (Excel and Office programs). Younger execs see the smart phone as their most important communication tool, while older execs not so much.

Not so smart phone!

The younger the Exec the more likely they are to use the device to communicate via text or email rather than voice.  Almost half of these senior execs had a preference for making business purchases on the internet (mobile or otherwise) as opposed to the phone. The younger execs tend to be less concerned about the type of device used as the older(over 40) execs, who still prefer a laptop (PC) device, but the younger groups preference is clearly for mobile technologies and apps.


Complete "mobile" office!

Mobile Executive!

Their preferences lean towards the convenience of mobile access to boost productivity. In fact, almost 50% of all executives believe that within the next 3 years, their primary tool for business related tasks will be a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet. As these devices become more powerful, with enhanced features, the popularity will likely also increase. Mostly these execs feel the need to be connected on a constant basis. The total amounts of communications they receive are astronomical and they need to be accountable 24 hours a day. The mobile device is the only thing that reasonably accommodates this need.

Forbes: The Untethered Executive

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